Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Wall Furnace Diagrams

Amusement Park Virginia Tech

Venia thinking of doing an entry fairly light, as always, when I met with several news about what happened in my favorite forum. I am shocked, really. It's amazing that so many people die for something as ridiculous as a discussion that can not cope with your girlfriend.
What explanation can we give to the slaughter?

simpre After these situations it comes to disarm the people (cause I personally support), to return values, psychological help to children and the most amazing is that there is talk of vitimario. The most that is said is that this crazy, lost control or was satanic or Arab or Asian. And I think that is where the problem is.
In evade understand that society itself creates situations so people do not respect the lives of others. We need to introduce social change, in which people are not forced to be perfect, to have money to have sex, using drugs, because the truth is that society provueve SUCCESS, at any price anyway. PROMOTE THE HYPOCRISY, PAIN, false personality. And trying to fit in, just depressed and feeling bad, about anything. Nobody has the right to take life of others and must respond to life, God or any supernatural entity for it.
However, while all the attention is focused on the victims, that pulling bullets mae I go everywhere, had a mother, brothers, father, grandparents and nobody thinks the pain they suffer for their action, but deep and intense that the victims' families, who enjoy the prayers and condolences from around the world.
Peace to the victims and their families. Resignation
But remember that all this we cause ourselves. Always remember

. LJ

Link to Virginia Tech student here

Friday, April 13, 2007

Sympathy Quote For Flowers

alien abductions and coffee enemas

(Copy + paste. No time today ...)

alien abductions and coffee enemas
O, the problems of having an open mind.

By Steven Novella (MD) - November 25, 2004 I listened patiently to explain UFO enthusiasts as humans were transported to Earth by our ancestors aliens from other worlds.

"So how do you explain the fact that humans share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees, and much of our genetic code with all life on Earth?" I ask.

"Well, I think you should open your mind more," she responded with wide-eyed.

People believe weird things - that coffee enemas can cure cancer, that the Loch Ness monster exists, that prints dollar bills explain secret conspiracies - always says "open your mind. "

To this I reply: "Of course, open your mind, but not so much that dropping your brain." In the eternal debate between skeptics and believers, the "open mind" is the favorite weapon in the arsenal of the latter. Is your purpose tool. But what really means to be an open-minded person? and who are really people who open their minds, believers or skeptics?

Have an open mind is a curious virtue: Everyone agrees that open-mindedness is indeed a virtuous state, but very often the people most praise this gift is definitely closed of mind. In addition, open-minded people that there are those whom you would least suspect to be a paragon of this particular virtue, skeptics. And the most notable for its closed-minded, are probably those most often warn others who are not true believers.

Let me explain:

Have an open mind means that one does not preclude that the truth is in the hands of another. First analyzed. When you analyze a claim, consider all relevant evidence and examined fairly and impartially all the logical that these bring with them, and then positions for or against. If there are new arguments or evidence, then we review the opinion. Being open means that it applies this just how to deal with all claims. Have an open mind is not to believe everything that one would have to beat enough, that is to be gullible, not open.

This analysis process fair, based on logic and evidence, leading to provisional conclusions, which are always subject to revision, is part of science. In fact this is the quintessential open-minded people.

However, the true believers adhere to the desired positions in spite of evidence or logic. No argument is persuasive enough, and no evidence (or lack thereof) is sufficiently compelling to their beliefs back to touch the ground. They refuse to accept the possibility that the Yeti may be a hoax, that crop circles are actually pranks, or coffee enemas do not cure the cancer; rejected in order that their cherished beliefs may be wrong. Still, true believers are the most frequently call for the moral grandeur of the opening of mind, and condemn the unbelievers for their closed mentality. They want others to accept their claims even without examining the logic and evidence that lead, despite rebuttals or removed after review.

The "open of mind "often use the label" closed minded "as a personal attack aimed at rejecting the arguments of those who dare to examine their claims. You do not think I have abducted the aliens, they argue, because you're closed-minded. (Could be because they lack credibility or any evidence to support their claims, or simply because the statement is basically ridiculous?) To them, being abducted by an alien is an article of faith, just as some religious believers based belief in it.

That's fine. Everyone has a right to their faith. Is an important freedom guaranteed by the constitution. But personal faith can not be used to justify a scientific claim about the factual state of nature. The assertions of the scientists should be public, open and transparent - can not rely on secret knowledge, special gifts, or unquestioned virtues. If you think aliens have visited the planet, be prepared to offer evidence, not just to accuse others of being closed-minded for not believing you.

Science is also a process of accumulation. At this moment in history we are sitting on a pile of scientific knowledge painstakingly accumulated over centuries. It would be presumptuous and foolish to ignore everything that happened previously. So while we keep an open mind to new ideas and theories, we have the advantage of being able to examine them through the filter of established knowledge. Believers would love that new ideas emerge in an intellectual vacuum, as if all statements were inherently equal.

So to conclude let me humbly ask you, dear readers, to open their minds. Endorse the maximum TH Huxley, who wrote: "A wise man shared his beliefs on the evidence." Lovingly preserved his brain inside the skull. Be open but not gullible, you better think what to believe.

Steven Novella is an assistant professor of neurology at Yale Medical School and president of the New England Skeptical Society (www.theness.com).

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Woman Masterbation Tech Diagraam

snyegurochka @ 2007-04-08T22: 06:00


Etymology English Dictionary 2009

Perfume, the story of a murderer ...

This movie is the biggest crap I've ever seen.

Anyone who has actually read the book would agree with me. Starting with the same Patrick Suskind. Were two more red in my life wasted. Better go see 300, is 10000 times more accurate ...

FOLLOWING ARE PURE SPOILER Point by point I leave it like this: 1-Grenouille never distilled a cat. Simple, because Baldini and I had a cat! What distilled for its scent strip was a puppy dog-like, and when he took out his core, where the dog took him from the slaughterhouse, which erupted in joyful barking. Then Grenouille retained for a time the perfume bottles for the dog, to remember the day I get to strip his soul to a living aromatica.

2 - Baldini NO Grenouille never ever play, if I avoid it and I never showed affection. Grenouille, in turn, despise him always and only been with him to have his first official title, which would allow travel to Grasse

3-The girl in the Rue des Marais, the redhead of plum never offered anything Grenouille, since he never spoke. Just and remember how to begin to suffocation because he did not see his face, I just wanted her scent, he was unable to love anything else other than a smell ... thing in the movie or mention, the very donkeys

4-Grenouille does not kill any prostitute in the book. in fact, only kills aa pubertal girls only.
5-Laure Richis The rebel comes out in the movie is nothing but an invention. Laure was a sweet submissive girl and was not courted by any direct way of anything marques. Recall that in the time not so courted more than waitresses and grisette, not the daughter of the second consul of the republic, as was Richis. (BTW, Allan Rickman dismal performance, half of the film is the way shitting!)

6 - Madame Arnulfi manofacturero not had a workshop where you work Grenouille, as well as the same court had also Grimal tanners, nothing more false .... Madame Arnulfi
business as a business woman with a healthy sense of a second master title for Grenouille, a small hut near a barn and a meal a day.

7-Grenouille never gets any wila in any jar, to begin with the technique of
just about covers the product with special fat blend uan, and nothing would have helped kill a wila and put it in no bottle.

8 - One of the scenes but the task was taken from the staff of the Labyrinth. I assure you that neither the mere parabra labyrinth appears not once in the whole damn book. Yme

more left, but now I have to go check my Loewe catalog, and download some pictures of Max Mara, so anything more would advise people who saw the tape to forget that the saw and take out 5 red simplemetnte , buy the book and read to the soft, whoooole forgetting what happens on the tape.
This book has 250 pages or not that was the eagerness of the writer to do shit all the time line and mutilate. Undoubtedly, those who love the original book are the only ones who understood the sambrote they did and came away with a terrible ulcer ...

Logitech Mouseman Wheel M-cw47 Drivers

Fucking Holy Week? Family Sunday

Well, they want to say? Santa
This week has been too strange. Perhaps I should begin pointing out that I had to work? If it turns out that the company I work for decided to make us go to work in the middle of Holy Week. Do not misunderstand, I'm not Catholic, and God forbid that I should be someday. It's just that work misntras others are of too vague for me. In short, it was an Odyssey achieved on time, but we did and no extras.
This Saturday we were rather boring in the business, even though the whole troop came to Monica, my sister.
So we got to the task of leaving my new husband with white hair and found that their pigmentation is terrified .... redhead! After you do go through all the colors of the spectrum, his loyal patience left him and stayed with cobalt blue hair. You imagine Victor Krum with blue hair?
However, today, Sunday morning I have restored their original color, but did not see anything wrong. We decided for the sake of our marriage to experience with her peroxide hair and leave for me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sample Mary Kay Invitations


Well... i really HOPE can submit the next time my photos doing cosplay <3 .. plus, right now, i'll just put the photos about the last saturday in Aldo's house..... indeed we had fun there.. so many things happened and that made me really happy that pleasant day ^^.

I really hope can have another day like that ^o^.

Here some photos about me and my friends.

I'll just put the Link cuz, photos are pretty big.