In 1O hours begin the guards. Guards surgery .
After the events I had with some surgical residents in consultation
suspect that these guards are ... interesting
and all desire to finish quickly.
Sundays I exfoliate the entire body with mango products. Within three Sundays guards.
I wash my brain saying, "You go fast SUPER fast, only three washings of mango and poof! You're out. "
But brain washed is weak, and handle the eternal (even off duty).
I'm ready.
dyed my hair hazel.
I shave those areas that I can not meet as often as you want. I practiced my hair
I packed and loaded my DS with BrainAge and my camera. I bought
new lip balm and face powder.
I filled the tank of my Clio.
Y. ..
Here I , 24 days, 8 guards day, 8 night guards, two seminars and a concluding discussion.
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