Saturday, June 6, 2009

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Leadership and Teamwork ... I feel compelled

Perhaps this complaint is very stupid and disorganized, but I have to.

a complaint is long, about teamwork and roles who takes each within it.
If you get eggs, do not read it, but probably if you read it you will learn something that nobody has said so far.

Throughout my school life (thanks to the private school where I attended elementary / secondary and even high school) I had to work long, mainly expository parents, older students younger students, school managers, teachers, etc. Twice
yeara from year 4, had to choose a theme, correlate all core areas (including math!) Conduct thesis work writing style (complete with bound, bibliography, index, conclusion, dedication, articles in English literature figures included), and powerpoint presentation flipchart 3m x 1m.

sounds nice, pleasant, educational, challenging and personal challenge sooo ... Except it was not personal. The teacher will chose whether to put on a team with two other members, or even five. Of course, I usually played to 3 people per team, myself included. And since I have memory, no lie, no member, no team has answered me.

never put me with my friends and I always knew smart people of below average and when I complained they said "is to give them a nudge" . But I do not give nudges, I do not like things badly done, or half done, give me 100% and you better or you acceptable ching. People who know me tell me race "Oh, it makes me have obsessive compulsive disorder." I believe it's called responsibility, maturity and professionalism. I've always been a leader, and at first ... especially in primary and secondary back home crying because I ruined my whole team, did things right (spelling errors, do not know to look for information, less write well, LESS stress how important ... etc) and always Allmighty PRISCILLA had to do EVERYTHING, and well, that my inept computer share my glory, of course. I always finish the work well before the deadline and have always been of the best (if not the best, why the race is difficult to praise you for a job, but where was I do.)
On the other hand, giving the presentation I got very bad, I was criticized and one (for the lack of support on my computer) and used to forget things.

For some time here, I did not realize, but I started to take for granted that I'm always a leader, I always do, we all suck, no one is as quick and efficient as I am. And above all (I swear) I'm good at giving lecture / seminar / conference, do not forget anything, I do not get nervous, I have to imagine you naked, entertained with jokes but no changes in tone of voice, smiles and eye contact. Besides I usually go up and touch my slides and pictures explain all. I always use information, NEVER by the slides, pure keywords and sentences clear that the audience understands, but that is not a paragraph, and ALWAYS at least one image per slide. Send beautiful, pleasing to the eye colors.

I know many will say "I also do all bla bla bla " but hey, at the time, no, and if I do not think we can sit down and compare, to see do not lie ... and is not OCD.

Anyway. One would think that if you're in year 4, from 5 ° of the medical career that's why you have some fools who fell out or not, right? ERROR .
This semester, among all classes to prepare, should give Seminar of Forensic Medicine, the fellow gave track, equipment and CHOSE TO THE LEADER. I guess why I am stupid I chose me, chose a guy with acne eczematous foul call Baker for their continued use of crushed hats and crappy, right?
Okay. Then the asshole of Baker received the scholarship a few points that she would like us to play at least in the presentation. The Baker never gave up, never told we had to give seminars in one week and I always deaf.

Well, OBVIOUSLY I decided to dethrone the asshole Baker, removed the sheet, handed out small colored cards issues in 6 different colors (one for every damn member, myself included, or why I enjoy rder) MINIMUM points where they came to play, my email, the order in which they appear in the display, to be delivered (slides, word-referenced summary literature, and articles on where they investigate PDF). By god, or even asked them arial 12, bla bla margin did not want them to say: "Click cagapalos old" why I hate if they shake hands with people fucking I want to take the boobs. Okay, I gave them a deadline (Thursday, 11:59 pm) for Friday and expected to correct the errors and give an excellent and impeccable presentacióny format text and present it on Saturday. LES DI ONE WEEK.

What happened?
Thursday None of the assholes sent something. On Friday at 4:00 pm had filled my mail:

- Slideshow stupid hit-laden text of Elrincondelvago / wikipedia and hyperlinks to all! (The index indicates a society ...)
- topics where they played only 30-50% of the points they scored as minimum
- Abstracts (if you had fortunate to receive some, of course) vilely copied text, narrative NADA (then talk about ...) pure little prayers or even impossible to build lists into paragraphs.
- No items.

An idiot girl and takes about 100 years in medicine and what I will be there, I sent 10 slides copied and played even ONE point I wrote it, NOT EVEN ONE!

I steeled myself, with less than a day's work, I returned to do the job of the girl losing, decorated it and wrote de novo the work of others Heck, I made the slides loser, I put pictures here, put images there Research points they missed, I printed all with two covers, index, author paragraph (I do it when the team put me shit and what each of whom), bibliography, Poster presentation (6 slides per sheet) and articles, and burned the CD version of Windows XP and Vista (not fail).
Total: $ 12O.OO and many hours of work and resentments + flashbacks

How was?

of wonder, of course. I opened the seminar I explained and elaborated, etc. What fools? Besides losing the said "Oh, no! I added many slides " (I explained that was why nothing that I asked did). And when exposed ... IT TOOK A JOKE. They were not formal, they used words like awkward instead of longilinear , laugh, read their own dapositivas, unprofessional comments made by exposing as "oh, do not know why I put on this slide that there is nothing important here, give me the following please." They read the words wrong! UNACCEPTABLE, and why they wrote it. Instead of telling the cyclothymic said: "ciclotomímic ... ay that! " .

Finally ... I was very angry, disappointed in the professional quality of my "colleagues" ... at this stage, behaving like this ...
And then everything got better.

The intern asked the heads of each seminar group, I stood next to Baker and before all I said " You're not the boss, why have not ; be here, " and asked us that we have laid the team score. JOY.
Besides that I realized that if these wastes are unprofessional and inept my competition ... pff!

So. .. THANKS .
Y. .. People, come on!! Put the batteries, be active, do things right, if not, I assure you I'm not the only one who thinks so, that we hate and then if they give us the opportunity to qualify or choose in the future for some activity ... it is not going to end. In addition to doctors who choose to live and work veeeeery think they like me and I would not really miss a deadline or have errors in spelling, writing, etc. MUCH less with poor to an audience, and the doctor have to speak and present constantly, goes with the profession. GET USE TO IT.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Drinking Age In Sylvania

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Different Parts Of A Sailboat

date my mom's face it pain, sadness and disappointment when I say that I am not a surgeon.

Why people are so magnificent they surgeons?
I feel like saying something bad as "From large to devote myself to steal Somali children." I wish I knew
medical leave does not mean to be a surgeon or general practitioner, internist to be no means to be "state employee" and that their much cherished cardiologists are internists not another great race. Unfortunately

hurts me and confirmed that I'll never be good enough for her.

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For things how are you, the pious fibs government, increasing ignorance and general uncertainty, I am very VERY happy to be future doctors, and even more practitioner.
Sorry, Civilians, but I chose to study medicine: you can not trust everything they tell you to not corroborate you.

Indeed, canceled classes and guards surgery and we were there, then I found out who's very queer to assist health alert guards if we knew when deciding to study medicine sometimes sacrifices must be made.

Before I left, I decided give people extra masks Outpatient scared.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Record Xbox 360 Gameplay Without Capture Card

Dedicated to: My "thing." By A. Schopenhauer. Today I

About Music.

The music does not express the phenomenon ever, only the inner essence, the "per se" of all phenomena, in a word, the will itself. So do not express such joy or special defined this or that sorrow, such pain, such terror, such rage, such pleasure, such peace of mind, but the same joy, sadness, pain, fear, the outbursts, pleasure, peace of soul. Not express the essence rather than abstract and general, beyond all reason and cirscunstancia.Y, however, we understand perfectly the abstract quintessence

(...) What about intimate and inexpressible in all music, which gives us a quick overview and passing a paradise at once familiar and inaccessible, we understand and could not explain, however, is that given the deep, muffled beating of our being, beyond reality and, therefore, without suffering

(...) When I hear music, my imagination often plays with the idea that all men life and my own are not that dreams of an eternal spirit, good or bad dream, that every death is an awakening "

(Yaaa, I know what you are going to respond with regard to this part)

On the happiness

"So we must open doors and windows to joy, he can provide, because it never reaches the wrong time, rather than unambiguous, as we often do, wanting first realize if we have reason to be happy in every respect, or fear that keep us from serious meditations or serious concern; and yet, it is uncertain that they can improve our situation, whereas joy is an immediate benefit. She alone is, so to speak, the coin of the realm of happiness. "

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gaz 907 Cylinder Lantern

1O Hours for Surgery

In 1O hours begin the guards. Guards surgery .
After the events I had with some surgical residents in consultation
suspect that these guards are ... interesting
and all desire to finish quickly.

Sundays I exfoliate the entire body with mango products. Within three Sundays guards.
I wash my brain saying, "You go fast SUPER fast, only three washings of mango and poof! You're out. "
But brain washed is weak, and handle the eternal (even off duty).

I'm ready.
dyed my hair hazel.
I shave those areas that I can not meet as often as you want. I practiced my hair
I packed and loaded my DS with BrainAge and my camera. I bought
new lip balm and face powder.
I filled the tank of my Clio.

Y. ..
Here I , 24 days, 8 guards day, 8 night guards, two seminars and a concluding discussion.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Olympia Changing Table

♥ Doll & Full 27 Months

fulfill the February 23 27 months together.
is, 2 years and 3 months ... together.

Teamo. Just as in love as ever, and even more.
There is no other person like you, so smart, special, strong, male, responsible, mature, serious ... good, pure, steadfast, sure, perfectionist, knowing, loving, committed, consistent, faithful ... PERFECT in any field, and could continue ...

TEAMO , Jorge .
For a thousand years!

* Photos most memorable, including the 23/11/06, the first and the day we got engaged.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Money Lenders In Dublin


This is a test post from my ipod

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